I WANT A BABY!! Great advice on how to manage baby hunger with these 4 tips

Baby Hungry – Happy Mama Tales


No, not that kind of hungry!

Have you ever been baby hungry? The kind where you see every baby you pass, you notice every pregnant women ready to pop and envy what she is about to have? The kind where you sleep, eat, dream, and pin BABY!

I will say, I have felt these stirrings before, but now that I’m in the “mom club” I feel like they are stronger than before! My son is 11 months and I can’t get out of my mind recently that I want to start cooking another baby!! I want to be pregnant again! Yes, I remember what it’s like to be sick morning, noon, and night! I remember not being able to drink water without throwing up! I remember the awful smells and the extreme exhaustion! But I still can’t stop obsessing about babies.

I WANT A BABY!! Great advice on how to manage baby hunger with these 4 tips

I have a theory. You know how they say men always have one thing on their mind? They sleep, eat, play video games and think that one thing. (So I’ve heard ;). I’ve decided that once your mama gears are going and you know deep down that you CAN have a baby (like after you get married), then something switches in our minds to obsess about babies! It’s weird, because after my son was born there was a long phase where I thought that it would be years before I craved that baby again! But nope! All I needed was to see my son start walking to stir something in me that says, “It’s time”!!

My best tips for remedy:

  • first and foremost, talk to your husband!! TELL HIM! Communication is so vital in a relationship. Especially about such sacred and life changing events!
  • Create a plan! It helps to do this with your spouse! My husband and I know our plan and when I am feeling extra “obsessed” then he gently reminds me of the plan that we created together.
  • Sometimes all I can do is think about it, so I go on pinterest, or other mommy blogs and truly consume myself in baby for a few minutes. This works like that reverse psychology.  If you are told to not think about it, you will think about it even more. But if you are told to only think about that one thing, then after a minute your craving subsides. 🙂
  • Go to your friend/sister/neighbors house and hold their baby! It’s wonderful to get out your baby cravings by holding another baby! Plus it helps out that mom! She might need to go brush her teeth or go to the bathroom during the few moments that you are there!

If you are looking for more tips on how to get pregnant, read here!

I love my son and can’t wait to have another join our family!! Do you know what I’m talking about? Have you had these feelings? Tell me what you do to help curve your baby cravings!! 🙂

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