What happens when the test says no

What happens when the test says No?

What if the test says No? 

Have you ever seen that show on TLC that’s about the woman who didn’t know they were pregnant? I use to watch that all of the time when I was pregnant with my son. With all the changes my body was going through, I couldn’t understand how these women didn’t know.

I will say, when my husband and I got pregnant the first time, I didn’t sit around the first 4 weeks waiting to take an at home test. I didn’t believe we could get pregnant from one try, so I didn’t give it a second thought. It wasn’t until about 4 or 5 weeks that I started to get the common pregnancy symptoms that I took an at home test. The first few were unclear (I think I took it a little too early), and then a few days later I took another one. It read pregnant. Obviously an abundance of joy over swept me. But what happens when the test says no?

What happens when the test says no

My husband and I haven’t been trying to get pregnant, but we also haven’t taken any precautions either this last while. With my first experience getting pregnant the first try, I thought it would be the same situation. I can tell you that it has caused very high anxiety for me to wait the dumb 4 – 5 weeks before I can take a test. Even though we haven’t gotten pregnant yet, I know we will. I know there are women out there who struggle with this month to month. So what do you do when the at-home pregnancy test says no?

I’m not talking about the stories of the person you know who has been trying for years. I just simply mean for those women out there who’ve only been trying for a few months. It’s devastating to see that stick read “no” when all month you’ve been hoping, thinking non-stop, and planning that it would read “yes”.


Personally, I’ve turned to prayer; trying to ask for patience, a good attitude, and eternal perspective. I also do a lot of research. I believe we were given brains to use them. There is so much information out there at our fingertips, and we can use it to our benefit.

I browsed through this topic (of how to get pregnant) the first time around (a year and a half ago), but I’ve really dug myself into the different theories and studies this time around. I wrote down a summary of what I’ve found on how to get pregnant HERE.

I’d really love to hear what you do when your at-home pregnancy test says no. 

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