7 things to keep you from being boring and dumb! It is so important to Exercise your Mind - even if you are a stay at home mom!

How to Exercise Your Mind {as a SAHM}

A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. As a stay at home mom, I sometimes feel like I am not challenged – mentally – anymore. I used to work full time, go to school full time and had tons of other activities on the side. On days like these I have to remember how to exercise your mind.

7 things to keep you from being boring and dumb! It is so important to Exercise your Mind - even if you are a stay at home mom!

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Here are 6 Ways to Exercise Your Mind

7 ways to exercise your brain as a stay at home mom


I’m not a big fan of reading, but I know that it helps exercise my mind in such a great way! When you read you get to take in new information, new words, new phrases. You are LEARNING, and that is the best thing for your mind. You can think of it kind of like cardio for your brain.

[bctt tweet=”Reading is like cardio for your brain! #exerciseyourmind #healthyliving”]

The type of info you read doesn’t matter all that much; granted the more difficult and stimulating the information the better the “learn” {or “burn” in exercise terms}.

My favorite time of the day with the boy is right before he watches a little show. It’s reading time. He knows it & has gotten use to it. We both pull out our books & sit by each other to read. Sometimes I read out loud to him, sometimes I let him read his book to me {he’s only 2 1/2 so it’s more like “tell me what’s in your pictures}. But most of the time we just read our books for 15 minutes or so.

I love this habit because it teaches my kids by example that reading is good for our brain!


When you stay up with current events it allows your mind to analyze information. As a stay at home mom of little ones we find days where we feel like all we do consists of wiping bums, cleaning the kitchen, singing the ABC’s & playing peek-a-boo. All those have it’s time and place but it’s not all that stimulating to the brain. At least not my brain.

When you analyze current events; think of both sides of the story & fill in the holes of what the story didn’t tell you. It ignites your brain! Analyzing is SO good for your mind. It’s like the mind’s way of weight lifting.

[bctt tweet=”Analyzing is the mind’s way of weight lifting! #staystrong #staysharp #exerciseyourmind #healthyliving”]


Some of my readers have told me that they love playing Jepordy with their hubby every night to stay mentally sharp! I love to do puzzles with my kiddos. My parents love to do a ‘triva of the day’ together! My grandmama absolutely loves Suduko!

Whatever type of puzzle fits your fancy, just do them! Puzzles stimulate the problem solving section of the brain. It allows you to “fix” something. That is SUPER important for the mind.

Puzzles are like circut training for your brain!

[bctt tweet=”PUZZLES are like CIRCUT TRAINING for your brain! #exerciseyourmind #staysharp”]


Writing is like reading on steroids. In order to write you have to learn, analyze & process the information. Writing is challenging & that is super good for your brain.

Writing to your brain is like HIIT training to your body. High Intensive Interval Training is so incredibly good for your body. It stimulates it, it challenges & makes it stronger.

[bctt tweet=”WRITING for your brain is like HIIT for your body! #exerciseyourmind #healthyliving #HIIT”]


This happens to be one of my absolute favorite ways to exercise my mind. Talking to my bestie isn’t like weight lifting or endurance… it’s the aerobics for your brain.

Talking to your bestie allows your mind to feel different emotions, it allows you to process out information and it allows you to feel resolved.

[bctt tweet=”Talking to your BESTIE is like aerobics for your brain! #exerciseyourmind #healthyliving”]

talking to your bestie is like aerobics for your brain. FIND OUT WHY!! Exercise for your mind is so important!!


As in all great workouts, you must allow your body to rest & recover. The same goes for your mind. Resting, Relaxing, Sleeping, Meditating, Praying or even just closing your eyes for a minute allows your mind to relax.

Resting your mind is totally the yoga of exercise!

[bctt tweet=”Resting your mind is like #YOGA! Relaxing & Rejuvenating for mind, body and soul! #exerciseyourmind”]

Resting your mind is like doing yoga for your body. 6 AWESOME tips to exercise your mind! Love this advice as a stay at home mom!!

This book is super great for improving your memory!

Now it’s your turn. Let me in on your secrets.

How do you exercise your mind?


If you are looking for other great reads on healthy living, make sure to check out this article:

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Set YOUR metabolism on FIRE with a healthy metabolism! Free ebook download to learn how to repair your metabolism in under 30 days. Okay so I read this and it seriously is the best book on your metabolism. It's easy to understand and has so much amazing information in it!! I'm now working with the author as my health coach & she is so amazing!

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