3 reasons you have sugar cravings. This article is such a fun one! I had no idea my sugar cravings were so simple to stop!

3 Reasons Why You Have Sugar Cravings

When I am talking to my clients, friends, or family about their health goals the first thing I hear about are their sugar cravings. They always tell me how they’ll never be able to give up sugar.

I can understand where they are coming from. I was once very addicted to sugar, I actually had a daily routine of needing chocolate right after lunch. It was like an obsession – like I couldn’t think of anything else until I had a piece of chocolate. I would also have my frequent ice cream binge 3 – 5 nights a week. It was bad. And I didn’t like the way I felt.

Well fast forward a few years and those habits have dissipated. I eat sweets every now and then but I no longer have those crazy sugar cravings.

3 reasons you have sugar cravings. This article is such a fun one! I had no idea my sugar cravings were so simple to stop!

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Why have they stopped?  How was I able to break that crazy obsessive cycle?

Because I now understand sugar cravings, why they happen and how to prevent them. Let me share with you

The top three reasons you have sugar cravings

The High & Low

The number one reason you have sugar cravings is because your blood sugar is not under control. Your body then experiences these highs and lows.

Here’s about how the cycle goes: you haven’t eaten in a few hours so your blood sugar drops – you get hungry and the cravings begin – you eat a sweet/high glycemic treat {high glycemic meaning that it enters the blood stream super quick} – your blood sugar then spikes. But then time goes by and you haven’t had anything to eat and your blood sugar drops again. And the cycle just continues over and over.

The cycle of craving sugar

[bctt tweet=”Unstable blood sugar creates sugar cravings. #healthyliving #sugarcravings”]

Diesel or Unleaded?

What are you fueling your body with? Diesel or Unleaded? Good food or food that is super hard to break down? Food that has a high protein count or food that is super high glycemic?

What is going in your body will make a huge difference in how your blood sugar reacts.

Higher amounts of healthy fat and protein in your diet help balance blood sugars – they stay at a consistent level. While higher glycemic foods, greasy, processed foods will spike your blood sugar – which means a super low blood sugar level comes next.

Apples & Oranges

It isn’t always apples for apples, sometimes it’s more like apples & oranges.

You could be doing everything right but your body is trying to tell you something else. There are some nutritionists that seem to believe cravings are a sign of what the body is lacking. I’m not sure I believe it but I also don’t disagree.

Here is a fun chart that shows a few of these links.

Sugar Cravings might be your body telling you something else! Figure out why you are having sugar cravings!
This image obviously comes from Miramont Lifestyle. But I wanted to give them credit just in case you missed that.

How to Stop Sugar Cravings

  • Avoid sugar highs by balancing your blood sugar throughout the day. Read how to do that here.
  • Eat small frequent meals. I have heard some debate in this area, but after everything {years of studying} I have read I still firmly believe you need small frequent meals.
  • Healthy Eating. I have a meal plan that will balance your blood sugars perfectly.
  • Drink a lot of water. You have to remember why it is so vital to drink water!

WHY Beat Sugar Cravings?

  • FREEDOM  – the best reason to stop your sugar cravings is freedom from that addiction! If you don’t know what I’m talking about then you won’t know how sweet {no pun intended ;)} this reward is.
  • HAPPINESS – There are a lot of reasons you actually feel happy by kicking your sugar cravings to the curb. It’s kind of a combination of all of these reasons, but your hormones are more balanced, your physical body is more balanced and you’ve done an ah-mazing job so you just feel happier.
  • ACCOMPLISHMENT – This might seem silly to some people, but to overcome a craving, an addition for some people is a HUGE deal. It feels accomplishing. It feels amazing. It makes you feel empowered and incredibly confident!
  • ENERGY – Energy is just that. Sugar. The sugar {aka glucose} in your bloodstream is the body’s preferred energy source. When you have a perfect balance of sugars and insulin running throughout the bloodstream you have the perfect amount of energy!
  • SMOOTH RUNNING ENGINE – When you learn how to balance your blood sugars you actually balance your hormones which reduces inflammation. You’ll feel like a well oiled machine! Tip Top Shape!
  • WEIGHT LOSS – Getting ride of sugar cravings {by balancing your blood sugar} kicks your metabolism into high gear and it makes even the most stubborn pounds shed off like it was nothing!

I didn't realize it is so easy to beat my sugar cravings! Love how she explained why we get sugar cravings, how to prevent them, and why we should even care to curb sugar cravings!

Balancing your blood sugar is the single most effective way to stop sugar cravings.

Tell me your thoughts {agree? disagree? have you experienced this?} in the comments below.

My dear friend referred this cookbook to me; it’s called The Sugar Solution Cookbook: More than 200 Delicious Recipes to Balance Your Blood Sugar Naturally! I love it!

The Sugar Solution Cookbook: More than 200 Delicious Recipes to Balance Your Blood Sugar Naturally

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