I can guarantee you will lose weight this month if you change just one thing! Awesome article. She goes over the science and process of losing weight

Losing Weight is Simple by changing this one thing

Can I be honest, losing weight is very simple. Now, hang on a second before you get defensive and move on to something else.

The science of losing weight is very simple indeed. The process of losing weight can be much, much harder.

I can guarantee you will lose weight this month if you change just one thing! Awesome article. She goes over the science and process of losing weight

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The Science of losing weight is as follows:

Calories in 


Calories Out

Yup. It’s as simple as that. If you want to lose weight you have to manage the balance of calories in vs calories out.

The Process of Losing Weight:

Now, the process of losing weight can be much, much more complex. Difficult? we all can agree, yes. Doable? yes, yes indeed.

If I may, will you let me share my story with you? I will keep it brief.

I have always been overweight. Well maybe better defined as “full”. I have had body image issues since the 6th grade. Being overweight changed my personality. It affected my school experience in a negative way, and it still did until about a year ago. I grew up feeling I was surrounded by family and friends who were incredibly fit and tiny. But not me. I have always, always struggled with my weight. I have been on many diets, tried gazillions of different work out techniques. I have tried behaviors of bulimia and anorexia {in no way shape or form am I endorsing that, please do not try those. they are unhealthy and I do not endorse such behavior in the slightest way.} Honestly, I was depressed for a long time because of my weight. I went into Community Health Education so that I could be better, change my ways and see if there was some secret I was missing. I didn’t find what I was looking for until about two years ago.

So. Why am I telling you such personal information? Because there is a secret. Let me tell you what it is.

It’s your mind.

Your body is very capable of losing weight. Your body is very capable of learning healthy eating, exercising, and to live a balanced life. Your mind is what you have to change.

Change your mind and you WILL lose weight!! Really great tips to help motivate me to lose weight.

I would dare say if you don’t even change anything about your eating this next month, but you change your mindset – you will lose weight. The brain is a very powerful tool you have right at your finger tips… well actually… it’s in your head ;). Harness your brain. Let it work in your favor to help you lose weight.

Change your mind in these ways:

  • first and foremost, change your mind to think positive. You CAN have as many vegetables as you want. You CAN choose to drink a glass of water to feel more full. I will treat myself to an afternoon walk to soak up the sun and get my legs moving!
    Instead of the unhealthy way of thinking {I can’t have this, I can’t eat my favorite food, I’m starving, I only have one cheat day, I am restricting what I eat}.
  • to understand the science of losing weight. The basics are Calories in vs Calories out.
  • Educate yourself. Do you know how many calories are in that particular food you are eating? Do you know which exercises are the most effective?
  • If you start monitoring and modifying what you put in and what you put out, allow your mind to CHOOSE the healthier choice.
  • Be aware of what YOU put in YOUR BODY. It’s all your choice.


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I guarantee that you can lose weight this very month if you change the way your brain thinks about healthy living. The process will be hard. But the result is worth it.

Coming up next, I’m going to go into detail about the basics of losing weight & 10 Tips to Guarantee that YOU will lose weight. Make sure to subscribe below to keep up on the latest healthy living tips!


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