get prepared before you get pregnant

Get Prepared Before You Get Pregnant

get prepared before you get pregnant

So you are thinking of getting pregnant? Having a baby is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make. Both you and your spouse need to be on the same page because having kids is hard, and it is a lifelong commitment. You will experience some of the hardest days, and the purest joy because of your children. So, you are convinced, right? Well, what sort of things do you need to prepare before you even get pregnant?


Get Prepared Before You Get Pregnant with these 8 tips: 

  1. Relationship check – do both you and your spouse agree that now is the right time? Do you both agree that you are ready to make sacrifices? Can you communicate with your spouse well enough during hard times – because that skill will come in handy when the baby comes (read HERE about my adjustment with my hubby after our son was born).

  2. Financial check – let’s just be honest, having a baby can get really expensive. There are tons of ways you can save, but just make sure you and your husband have the same expectation on what you find important to buy for the baby. Do a mock budget as if you had a baby with your current expenses. Make sure to think about diapers, wipes, doctor/medical (infant Motrin is really expensive), baby food, etc.

  3. Mental check – mental health is super important! It’s good to set your expectations properly to know what might be ahead. Since every pregnancy can be different, make sure you are prepared mentally for any adjustments or complications that may occur. 
    1. Be prepared for adjustments with your spouse. Obviously having a baby will change the dynamics of your home. Some couples adjust better than others, but be okay to allow time for that adjustments.
    2. You are going to be tired. Just set your expectations that you are going to loose out on sleep, then that adjustment is easier to roll with. Take naps when your baby takes naps, and then remember that it gets better.
    3. Figure out what / how you would like your pregnancy and delivery. Then, analyze and prepare yourself for if something goes different from that plan. Consider things like preeclampsia (high blood pressure), anemia, ectopic, gestational diabetes, bed rest, or even complications during labor. I never expected that I would have to have a c-section, yet I did need one. I had to adjust to that idea quicker than I would have wanted to.

      I guess what I’m saying here is be flexible, and do your research.

  4. Lifestyle check – In order for you body to be pregnant, to literally make another human inside you, you need to be healthy. Quit whatever unhealthy habits that would permit that. Create new habits that will catalyze your body to be a baby-makin’ machine!

    What this means is drinking more water (at least half your weight in ounces), eating better (take a supplement, and make sure to get more folic acid in your diet), establish a good exercise regimen, and quit whatever caffeine, drug or alcohol consumption. You can get your hubby in on this part too; I’ve read multiple studies where they recommend the husband to make lifestyle changes also. Some disorders are linked to sperm damaged by chemicals from cigarette smoke, alcohol, drugs, etc.

  5. Get a pre-baby check up. You can talk to your doctor about your personal health and see if they have any recommendations specifically to you.  You can talk to your doctor about the contraceptives (birth control) you’ve been using, some birth control make it a little harder to get pregnant after. It would be good to set your expectations correctly to know you might have to wait a little longer than what you think is normal.

  6. Ovulation check – When you want to start having a baby you’ll want to know your ovulation day, it’ll take frustration out of the guessing game. Read more about how to figure this HERE.

  7. Find an OB/GYN – do you know which OB you are going to go to? Would you rather be in a practice of multiple doctors or have one doctor who sees you every time? It’s also important to identify what are your ‘deal breakers’? What is important to you during your pregnancy and during your labor? Be okay to ‘dr. shop’. It’s okay to see which doctor fits you and your beliefs best.

    Example – My sister was with her OB all the way until 30 weeks. She found out that he always does an episiotomy. She didn’t feel comfortable with that and she talked to her doctor about it and he did not respond respectfully. She  found another doctor and was super duper happy about the change! Be confident with your beliefs and your opinions, and be okay to go to a different doctor if you don’t feel comfortable.

  8. Find a pediatrician – it’s important you feel confident in your pediatrician’s practices and policy’s. Best advise would be to ask family/friends who they think a good pediatrician is in your area!


I’m super excited for you! This is such a fun stage! I’m smiling writing this as I think about all of you out there who are getting ready to have a baby!! I can say, one of the best experiences of life is holding your new baby! Then it gets even better as you get to know their little personality and you love that little baby more than you knew love was possible. Head on over HERE to learn more about How to Get Pregnant. 

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