Calorie budget is a whole new way of looking at your daily calorie count!

Calorie Budget – A Whole New Way of Looking at Dieting

Have you noticed too that on Pinterest people are obsessed with saving money? “Living on a Budget” seems to capture the headlines for the majority of my Pinterest thread.

Maybe you don’t follow those boards… what about the overwhelming obsession with “counting calories” or “how to lose weight”? Do you see those everywhere too?

[yellowbox] {Now that we are talking about Pinterest, have you followed me on Pinterest yet?
Happy Mama Tales} [/yellowbox]

Well I got this crazy idea about combining the two obsessions. And out came a Calorie Budget; a whole new way of looking at losing weight.

Calorie budget is a whole new way of looking at your daily calorie count!

Let’s first make sure we understand the basics of losing weight. It’s simple. All you have to do is balance:

Calories in = Calories Out

Alright, now that we understand that let’s break down the basics of living on a budget. All you have to do is balance:

Money in = Money Out.

I want you to start looking at your weight loss journey like you look at your budget.

[bctt tweet=”Think of your daily calories like you think of your monthly expenses. A daily #caloriebudget “]

Budget your Calories like you Budget your Finances!!

To learn more about your BMR, read here.

Sometimes the key to success is simply changing the way you look at something. Changing your perspective. If you alter the way you view “dieting” you will be way more successful. Instead of “I can’t eat the things I want” or “I’m restricted”, think of it as:

  • eating healthy
  • living longer
  • having more energy
  • feeling comfortable in your clothes
  • not being as tired

Once you have idenfified your income, expenses you can then identify how you want to “save” your money or calories. If you want to know how to guarantee weight loss, you need to have a daily deficiency of 500 calories.

 So! Your challenge?

Think of your calorie budget like you think of your financial budget.

[yellowbox] Click here to download a free pdf to help you manage your Calorie Budget. [/yellowbox]


If you liked this article, make sure you check out:

break the cycle of unhealthy eating habits  10 Tips to Guarantee Weight Loss!! Oo these are really great tips! I love how it explains the science behind the trick too! LOVE this article!













This article was submitted to the following link party: Share the Wealth Sunday

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